About the Song Spring is wrapping up soon, and summer is just around the corner. The weather has been beautiful where I live, and a lot of people are making good u...
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Freedom Battle by Michael W. Smith
Memorial Day I hope your Memorial Day weekend went well. In honor of those who have given their lives in service to our country, I have chosen to review Michael W...

Same Power by Jeremy Camp
About the Song I mentioned Jeremy Camp last week – this week, it’s time to review one of his songs. “Same Power” is a very powerful song based on Romans 8:11 that...

Everything Good by Ashes Remain
Style I think it’s time for a slight changeup in music style, don’t you? The song “Everything Good” by Ashes Remain has a bit of a power ballad feel to it, in my ...

One Girl Revolution (Battle Mix) by Superchick
Introduction With Mother’s Day coming up, I tried to find a good song that would correlate. While there are many great songs about moms, I was having a difficult t...

Album: Petra – Fifty (Anniversary Collection)
Anniversary Album Release Petra is celebrating their fiftieth anniversary! To commemorate this milestone, on April 7, 2023, Girder Records released an album entit...

Cross of Gold by Michael W. Smith
About the Song Michael W. Smith’s 1992 album Change Your World has a lot of good songs on it, but one of my favorites has always been “Cross of Gold.” It is parti...

Dragonslayer by Michael Card
About the Style One of my favorite Michael Card songs when I was growing up was “Dragonslayer,” released in 1983 on his album Legacy. Looking at a picture of Mich...

He Came, He Saw, He Conquered by Petra
About the Song I hope you had a Happy Resurrection Day/Easter! Today’s song review is about Jesus’ victory. Petra released “He Came, He Saw, He Conquered” on the...

Carry My Cross by Third Day
About the Song “Carry My Cross” is a powerful song by Third Day, released in 2005 on their album Wherever You Are. It is the perfect song not only for this time of...