Home Convertibles by White Heart

Convertibles by White Heart

About the Song

Spring is wrapping up soon, and summer is just around the corner. The weather has been beautiful where I live, and a lot of people are making good use of their convertibles and their motorcycles.

Seems like the perfect time to look at a fun song by White Heart.

“Convertibles” was originally released in 1986 on White Heart’s album Don’t Wait for the Movie. (It was also included in one of their “Best of” albums in 1994 – Nothing but the Best Rock Classics – which is how I first became familiar with the song.)

White Heart's *Don't Wait for the Movie* Album Cover

A very upbeat song with fun guitars, drums, and harmonies, “Convertibles” is about enjoying God’s presence and His creation from the driver’s seat of a convertible.

As a kid, I remember enjoying the song but being slightly puzzled as well – was the song saying that God created convertibles (as in, “on the eighth day…” or something)?

As an adult, I understand that the song is simply a fun way of saying that whoever designed convertibles must have had their inspiration from God – for multiple reasons.

First, the speaker is enjoying the sun, wind, blue sky, and the freedom of the ride, picturing God sitting right next to him.

Second, the whole experience has given the speaker a natural thrill (or, as he puts it, a “high” that is “not a manufactured one”) – the thrill of cruising around town with the top and the windows down is one of many ways God has given us to enjoy life safely and wisely.

And third, cruising around the great outdoors in his convertible gives the speaker the opportunity to join in with the rest of creation in praise to the Lord.

Life Application

In the busyness of life, it can be easy to get bogged down and stressed out by life’s many demands and responsibilities.

While it is important not to shirk our responsibilities, I believe that God wants us to take time to slow down and just enjoy life at times as well.

I also like the song’s call to praise God along with the whole world.

We can see a picture of this in Psalm 98:

4Shout to the LORD, all the earth; break out in praise and sing for joy!

5Sing your praise to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and melodious song,

6with trumpets and the sound of the ram’s horn. Make a joyful symphony before the LORD, the King!

7Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the earth and all living things join in.

8Let the rivers clap their hands in glee! Let the hills sing out their songs of joy

9before the LORD, for he is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with fairness.

(Psalm 98:4–9, New Living Translation)

There are multiple verses throughout the Bible that refer to all the earth praising the Lord. Sometimes it is an observation; sometimes it is a prophecy; sometimes it is a command. Sometimes the people of the earth are referenced; other times the earth itself is referenced:

  • 1 Chronicles 16:23

  • Psalm 65 (especially verses 8 and 13)

  • Isaiah 42:10–13

  • Isaiah 55:12

  • Revelation 5:13

And of course, we cannot forget Jesus’ comment to the Pharisees that if God’s people were to withhold their praise, the rocks would cry out in their place (Luke 19:36–40).

This week, I challenge you to take some time to praise the Lord and enjoy the beauty of His creation.

Let’s determine to do as the song says – open up our hearts to God’s love just like we would open up the top of a convertible.


Are there any recreational activities that you use to spend time with God and His creation? I would like to hear about them!

(US Purchases)

White Heart's *Don't Wait for the Movie* Album Cover

Downloads and/or physical copies may also be available worldwide from your favorite online music store, at your local bookstore or thrift shop, or through your favorite online marketplace.

Closing Note

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Signing off until next week –

Rocking for Jesus with you!

Amanda Renée

(The author's permissions for copying/quoting this article are found in the disclaimer.)