Home Big House by Audio Adrenaline

Big House by Audio Adrenaline

About the Song

With Father’s Day coming up, I wanted to find a good song that mentions fathers.

“Big House” was released in 1993 on Audio Adrenaline’s album Don’t Censor Me. It was one of the band’s big hits – it was even awarded Song of the Decade for the ‘90s.

It is a peppy, upbeat song with a fun rhythm and a memorable opening guitar riff that continues throughout the song.

Audio Adrenaline's *Don't Censor Me* Album Cover

I remember singing along with the radio with my siblings – it happens to be one of those songs that is nearly impossible to get sick of.

Audio Adrenaline’s lead singer Mark Stuart said that he wanted to write a fun song that got people excited about heaven.

(Fun fact that I find hilariously amusing – Stuart said the song was kind of thrown together in a quick write, and the band wasn’t initially super crazy about it. Guess who encouraged them to keep it and was confident that it would be a hit? You guessed it – Stuart’s father!)

When the song starts out, it sounds as if the speaker has just met someone. He doesn’t know anything about the other person’s background (specifically their home/family life).

He starts by addressing basic needs (a place to eat, sleep, and relax), then goes on to address deeper needs (security, friendship, family, and love).

During the pre-chorus and chorus, the speaker goes on to invite his acquaintance to come with him to his Father’s house (AKA God’s house/heaven).

And not just any house, mind you – a big house, with a big yard full of fun and a big table full of food.

(Shout-out to anyone who identified with the song here on earth in addition to acknowledging its spiritual message, living in a big house with a big yard and a big table!)

As mentioned, in the beginning of the song, the speaker addresses what he doesn’t know about his acquaintance; in the next part of the song, he addresses what he does know about what God has to offer him: A big house, lots of land, love, and family.

The speaker observes that his acquaintance is alone, and again invites him to “join the family” at his Father’s house.

Life Application

“Big House” is a fun song that shows a down-to-earth picture of sharing the Gospel with others. The speaker has a big heart and is eager to invite those he comes into contact with to join the family of God, his good and loving Father.

You know how some neighborhoods have a specific house where everyone is welcome and safe? That is what this song reminds me of. (Unfortunately, I feel that this was more commonplace in past times – these days it seems that we have to exercise a lot more caution about whom we trust. But it is still a good picture of the memories the song evokes.)

As for Scripture, the song is based on John 14:2. Jesus was speaking with His disciples before His death and resurrection:

There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I wouldn’t tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you.

(Good News Translation)

Other translations state that there are many mansions in the Father’s house. Imagine Jesus perparing your very own mansion for you! With plenty of room for company and for fun!


Well, what about you?

Have you accepted Jesus’ invitation to come with Him to His Father’s house?

Jesus provided redemption from sin through His death and resurrection.

While He never promised that we would be free of troubles in this life, He did promise that we can overcome them through Him:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

(John 16:33, New International Version)

Jesus wants us to be able to live in joy through Him:

“I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

(John 15:11, New Living Translation)

Notice, however, that even though this is Jesus’ desire, we still have to accept His invitation – He is not going to force us to accept it. (The speaker in the song did not kidnap his acquaintance and drag him to his Father’s house, he simply extended the invitation.)

So what do you say?

Will you be joining me in eternity in my Father’s house?

Holiday Greetings

Happy Flag Day, USA! We honor you, Red White and Blue.

Happy Birthday, US Army! Thank you to all who have fought for us and to all who are on active duty.

And to all of you fathers out there, Happy Father’s Day! I hope you are able to enjoy a wonderful weekend.


Did you ever jam out to “Big House”? I’d love to hear about it!

(US Purchases)

Audio Adrenaline's *Don't Censor Me* Album Cover

Downloads and/or physical copies may also be available worldwide from your favorite online music store, at your local bookstore or thrift shop, or through your favorite online marketplace.

Closing Note

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Signing off until next week –

Rocking for Jesus with you!

Amanda Renée


  1. Jesusfreakhideout.com: “Big House” lyrics. (n.d.). https://jesusfreakhideout.com/lyrics/new/track.asp?track_id=105

  2. Jones, K. (n.d.). Audio adrenaline releasing final album on August 1. https://web.archive.org/web/20090616024610/http://christianmusic.about.com/od/upcomingreleases/a/AAfinalalbum801.htm

  3. Portell, P., & DiBiase, J. (2003, November 20). Audio adrenaline, “Don’t censor me” review. https://jesusfreakhideout.com/cdreviews/DontCensorMe.asp. (John DiBiase’s comments were posted January 17, 2007.)

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