(Most of) My Music has Arrived!

You may remember that back in November I mentioned that I had ordered a pile of CDs from Girder Music. I was impressed with Girder’s service – they shipped my order seven hours after I ordered it (and I had ordered it at midnight, so that’s extra impressive).
I was less impressed with the mail service – my order was supposed to arrive on October 23, but when I posted on November 9, I was still waiting.
And trying to practice patience.
Lots of patience.
Well, my box finally arrived in early January, but since it had been in the mail for so long, the box was pretty beat up. I emailed Girder about the issues I found when I opened the box, and we have pretty much established that someone else got to my box before it got to me.
It appears that somebody opened my package, opened some of the CDs, then put them back (without nearly enough paper to cushion the contents) and sent it back on its (long) journey.
Well, they put back most of them, anyway – two CDs were missing.
And there was a random U2 CD in there that (a) I did not order, (b) Girder does not have in stock, and (c) apparently has an Amazon ASIN sticker on it.
Crazy weird, huh?
Anyway, when I emailed Girder Music about the problems, they were wonderful – they immediately took the time to look into the issue thoroughly, to clarify the details with me, and to make sure that all issues were resolved.
At any rate, I am happy to relay that most of my music has arrived, andthe rest is on its way (like I said, Girder has super-fast service), so I hope to start adding some of it to my music rotation as soon as I can.
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Hopefully finding time to add that music to the station will happen sooner rather than later – my life has gotten a lot busier the last few months and is about to get busier still.
(This is why I haven’t been posting the last few weeks – I’m trying to balance everything out! I might change my post date or post structure, or change how often I post. We’ll see – stay posted!)
Well, it’s good to be back! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I will be in touch soon – and keep your ears tuned for that new music on the station!
Prayer Focus
Girder Music/Girder Records
- Pray for God to Bless the Girder team and to protect their shipments from tampering and interference.
The Post Office
- Pray for the people at the post office to find out how my order was tampered with.
The Tamperer
- Pray for God to convict whoever tampered with my order and for them to surrender their life to Jesus.
Please pray for these groups and individuals as God leads you.
(I also have a basic guideline here if you wish to refer to it.)
Station Support
In addition to praying for the weekly Prayer Focus, please pray for God to guide me and give me wisdom as I make decisions for the radio station and for the website. I really appreciate your prayer support!
If you feel that the Lord is leading you to support Rocking for Jesus financially as well, you can do so by clicking here or by clicking on the “Give” tab in the website menu.
Have you ever had something get lost, damaged, or tampered with in the mail? What did you do about it? Let me know!
Closing Note
If you want to be notified when I post new content, subscribe here.
Signing off until next week –
Rocking for Jesus with you!
Amanda Renée