Home Another Big Music Haul

Another Big Music Haul

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Here Comes More Music!

Hello! Long time no see… or write, or something like that.

Things have been a little (okay, very) busy for me and I haven’t had a chance to post. But I have been really wanting to!

I made another really big music haul a few months ago (in addition to the other big haul I made last October).

Remember the sampler albums I bought for $1 each? Well, let’s just say that that was the most expensive $2 I have ever spent. One of the samplers was so-so for me, but the other… Well, I think I bought most of the albums for most of the artists on that one. (Thankfully for me, Girder Records was having a $5 sale for a lot of them.)

Some of the albums I absolutely had to have because I loved what I heard from the sampler. Others I was less certain about but liked what I learned about the artists, so I figured it was worth trying them out.

Now I’m trying to listen to the full albums (that may take a while…). I have been able to listen to some of them and have been trying to upload the music to my station so you can enoy it also, but for some reason that has been difficult. I have uploaded a full Halo album and a few Idle Cure songs (bands I had never heard of before but now love), but after that, my uploads became most uncooperative. I have no idea if that is due to my internet connection (highly probable) or to an issue with the upload site (possible, but not nearly as probable).

Suffice to say that I am trying really hard to get awesome new (old) music onto my station. I hope to post some reviews of the albums and my favorite songs from them also, so keep an eye out for that.

Well, it’s time to run! (Actually, that’s the name of a Halo song that was originally on the sampler.) But seriously, I do have to run – have a great day!

Prayer Focus

  • Halo

  • Idle Cure

Please pray for these bands and individuals as God leads you.

(I also have a basic guideline here if you wish to refer to it.)

Station Support

In addition to praying for the weekly Prayer Focus, please pray for God to guide me and give me wisdom as I make decisions for the radio station and for the website. I really appreciate your prayer support!

If you feel that the Lord is leading you to support Rocking for Jesus financially as well, you can do so by clicking here or by clicking on the “Give” tab in the website menu.


Have you missed hearing from me? Are things a little crazy in your life right now too? Or are you able to “coast” a little and relax right now? Let me know!

Closing Note

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Signing off until next week –

Rocking for Jesus with you!

Amanda Renée

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