About the Song

“Love Crusade” was released in 1990 on Michael W. Smith’s album Go West Young Man. I love a lot of songs on that album, and “Love Crusade” definitely has always made my favorites list.
It’s one of those songs that just makes you want do dance. (Most songs with a chorus of “Na na na na’s” do.)
It even has a fun rap session that I always enjoyed trying to replicate. It was tough, though! High speed (who knew Smith could talk so fast?) and I didn’t always catch all of the words. I still find it fun to rap along with, though!
The whole song is about the world’s desperate need for love – specifically the love of Jesus – and about how it is our responsibility to share it with them.
It compares this “love mission” with a crusade – a term Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines as “a remedial enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm.”
I have to say, that definition perfectly fits the message of this song! Smith calls on believers follow Jesus’ instruction to love others as we do ourselves (Matthew 22:38–39) – to join in the spiritual battle for souls and to be a part of bringing about a love revolution.
I love the lyrics, the music, the beat, the rap – “Love Crusade” gets five stars from me!
Holiday Greetings
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Even though I am really not a “Hallmark holiday” type, I do enjoy Valentine’s Day decorations and the general spirit of love, kindness, and cheerfulness that generally accompanies the holiday.
Whether you are single, married, in a relationship, or not really interested in a relationship, I hope that you know that God loves you completely and unconditionally.
Spend some time with Him today – He wants to connect with you! And make an effort to share His love with those around you as well.
Prayer Focus
Whitecross (I have heard of this band in the past but hadn’t looked into them until recently. I discovered I really like the lyrics of their old music and would like to listen to it soon, along with some of their new music. Apparently they are currently on tour – their next concert is this Friday, February 16.)
Toby Keith’s Family and Friends (Toby Keith was one of my first Prayer Focuses. Sadly, he recently passed away. Please pray for his family and friends.)
Please pray for these people and their families as God leads you.
(I also have a basic guideline here if you wish to refer to it.)
Station Support
In addition to praying for the weekly Prayer Focus, please pray for God to guide me and give me wisdom as I make decisions for the radio station and for the website. I really appreciate your prayer support!
If you feel that the Lord is leading you to support Rocking for Jesus financially as well, you can do so by clicking here or by clicking on the “Give” tab in the website menu.
What do you think of “Love Crusade”? Let me know!
“Love Crusade” Song Download (USA): ChristianBook.com
Go West Young Man Full Album Download (USA): ChristianBook.com
Lyrics: JesusFreakHideout.com
Listen to “Love Crusade” here: YouTube Music
Michael W. Smith’s YouTube Channel: YouTube.com
Downloads and/or physical copies may also be available worldwide from your favorite online music store, at your local bookstore or thrift shop, or through your favorite online marketplace.
Closing Note
If you want to be notified when I post new content, subscribe here.
Signing off until next week –
Rocking for Jesus with you!
Amanda Renée
- Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Crusade definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crusade