Home Happy by Ayiesha Woods

Happy by Ayiesha Woods

About the Song

“Happy” by Ayiesha Woods was released in 2006 on her album Introducing Ayiesha Woods. It is a catchy, energetic song that holds up really well on repeat.

It just makes you – you know – happy. Very happy.

Throughout the song, the speaker declares that nothing can make her happy the way God does (God is implied, but the message is clear).

Ayiesha Woods’s *Introducing Ayiesha Woods* Album Cover

She is aware that record deals, hit music singles, popular music videos, impressive things, and earned accomplishments all pale in comparison to what God has done for her.

She is tremendously grateful for God’s innumerable Blessings to her and for how He has “made beauty of [her] mess.” Now, she want to return the favor by making God happy, too, and she desires the rest of the world to experience God’s love in the same way.

Scriptural Application

Our Happiness

There are multiple Scriptures that show how true happiness is connected to trusting in God:

  • “Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!” (Psalm 144:15b, New King James Version [NKJV])

  • “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God.” (Psalm 146:5, NKJV)
  • “[W]hoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he.” (Proverbs 16:20b, NKJV)

(The word “happy” in the above verses is often also translated “blessed.”)

I’ve said it before, but I will say it again – this does not mean that we will never go through trials. But no matter what we may be going through, God can bring us happiness in spite of the pain. And when we trust Him, He will always bring us out on top (Deuteronomy 28:13, New International Version [NIV]).

God’s Happiness

As I mentioned earlier, the speaker in the song wants to make God happy because He has made her so happy.

This reminds me of 1 John 4:19, “We love Him because He first loved us” (NKJV). When God Blesses us, it should be a natural response to want to do something to Bless Him in return.

But how can we make God happy?

Well, one way is to have faith in God: “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6, NKJV).

(If you compare that verse with the three at the beginning of this section, you can see that faith in God brings happiness to both Him and us.)

Hebrews 13:16 mentions another way that we can please God: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased” (NIV).

And 1 Timothy 2:1–4 tells us that God is pleased when we pray for all people, including those in authority:

1I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (NIV)

This week, let’s thank the Lord for all that He has done to Bless us. Also, let’s make an effort to share His Blessings with others and to make Him happy, too.

Prayer Focus

  • Ayiesha Woods

  • Michael O’Brien, member of NewSong/former touring member of the Heritage Singers (Birthday: August 23, 1964)

  • Yolanda Adams (Birthday: August 27, 1961)

  • Deep Purple band members (Multiple August birthdays)

Please pray for these bands and individuals as God leads you.

(I also have a basic guideline here if you wish to refer to it.)

Station Support

In addition to praying for the weekly Prayer Focus, please pray for God to guide me and give me wisdom as I make decisions for the radio station and for the website. I really appreciate your prayer support!

If you feel that the Lord is leading you to support Rocking for Jesus financially as well, you can do so by clicking here or by clicking on the “Give” tab in the website menu.


How has God Blessed you lately? Can you think of other Scriptures about happiness? Let me know!

Ayiesha Woods’s *Introducing Ayiesha Woods* Album Cover

I checked on ChristianBook.com but could not find links for purchase for “Happy” or Introducing Ayiesha Woods, so I am giving links to her music video and to a lyrics page.

(The album does appear to be available on some streaming platforms, though.)

Downloads and/or physical copies may also be available worldwide from your favorite online music store, at your local bookstore or thrift shop, or through your favorite online marketplace.

Closing Note

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Signing off until next week –

Rocking for Jesus with you!

Amanda Renée

(The author's permissions for copying/quoting this article are found in the disclaimer.)