About the Song

Can you believe that it’s already Thanksgiving? This year has really flown by!
It’s the perfect time for a good Thanksgiving song, though!
“Thank God for Something” is a perky, fun song by Hawk Nelson that was released in 2015 on their Diamonds CD.
I just discovered that the song was co-authored by Seth Mosley, former lead singer from the band Me in Motion. Knowing that now, I can definitely hear the influence!
In the song, the speaker decides he is going to act on the advice his mother has given him all his life – to prioritize gratitude and start counting his Blessings. He acknowledges that true happiness is not related to money (in fact, money as a master leads to bondage).
Gratitude, on the other hand, causes us to live in true freedom.
The chorus reminds us that regardless of if we’ve “got a lot or a lotta nothing,” we can still find something to thank God for!
The bridge reiterates this concept – in both good times and bad, and even when Blessings are hard to see, they are there if we choose to look for them.
Indeed, finding something to thank God for is the least we can do in light of all He has given to us.
I like the playful tone of “Thank God for Something,” and I think it does a great job of addressing what can be a very serious subject, depending on what we are going through.
It gets a solid four stars from me.
Life Application
Sometimes it’s easy to be grateful. When things are going well. When we get what we’ve been hoping for. When our friends are there for us.
Other times, it’s really hard, and sometimes it even seems impossible. When we suffer loss. When our health is struggling. When persecution hunts us down for our stand for the Truth.
Some days, nothing seems to go right, and it feels like everyone and everything is against us. Sometimes we even feel like God Himself is against us (or at the very least, unconcerned about us).
But no matter what, Jesus has promised us that He will be with us always, “even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20, New Living Translation). Even in the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4). And He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6, 8; Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5).
If we are struggling to find things to thank God for, we can start with thanking Him for the promise of His presence – even when we don’t feel it.
Additionally, like the song says, it doesn’t matter how much we have – we can choose gratitude in every situation.
Paul knew this first hand:
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
(Philippians 4:12, New international Version)
At Thanksgiving time, it is common for those gathered together to each take a moment to share what they are thankful for. This is great – but I think we should get in the habit of doing this more often.
This Thanksgiving, take a moment to thank God for something!
Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!
Prayer Focus
Hawk Nelson
Miley Cyrus (Birthday: November 23, 1992)
Pete Best, Beatles’ drummer (Birthday: November 24, 1941)
Please pray for these bands and individuals as God leads you.
(I also have a basic guideline here if you wish to refer to it.)
Station Support
In addition to praying for the weekly Prayer Focus, please pray for God to guide me and give me wisdom as I make decisions for the radio station and for the website. I really appreciate your prayer support!
If you feel that the Lord is leading you to support Rocking for Jesus financially as well, you can do so by clicking here or by clicking on the “Give” tab in the website menu.
What is one thing that you can thank God for? Let me know! One recent thing that I thank God for is that He helped me find my work keys; they had fallen into one of those corners that you don’t normally look. That may seem like a small thing to some, but it was huge to me!
Listen to “Thank God for Something” here: YouTube Music
Lyrics: Genius.com
Official Lyric Video: YouTube
Downloads and/or physical copies may also be available worldwide from your favorite online music store, at your local bookstore or thrift shop, or through your favorite online marketplace.
Closing Note
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Signing off until next week –
Rocking for Jesus with you!
Amanda Renée
Site I used for musicians’ birthdays: