Home New Song Release! To the Ground by Classic Disaster

New Song Release! To the Ground by Classic Disaster

The Release

Last week, I received the opportunity to feature a new single on my radio station. I prayed about it and felt that God was giving me the green light, so I am excited to talk about it with you here!

“To the Ground” is the newest release by Christian Metalcore band Classic Disaster. It officially releases on Friday, March 31, but since Rocking For Jesus Radio has early access, it is already airing on my station. If you want to check it out, be sure to tune in from 5–6pm (Central Standard Time) now through Saturday, April 8 – it will be airing during some “Fight Song/More Than Conquerors” themed playlists. After April 8, the song will be added to the regular song rotation.

About the Song

Classic Disaster’s "To the Ground" Cover Art

Here is what Classic Disaster’s founder/singer/guitarist Adam Castro has to say about the song:

“To The Ground” is a heavy, high energy, fast and loud fight song inspired by Mixed Martial Arts, Weightlifting, and other Athletic Sports, encouraging listeners to be strong and courageous as Joshua 1:9 says. So whether you are fighting against an opponent, a challenge, the schemes of the devil, or your own sin nature, we hope our song encourages you to remember to be fearless, because God is with you wherever you go.

Let’s see what God spoke to Joshua in Joshua 1:9:

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (New Living Translation [NLT])

This is a verse God has used to encourage me when I have faced strong opposition to what God is leading me to do, along with God’s promise to Joshua in verse 5 a few verses before:

“No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.” (NLT)

Stylistically, I would compare Classic Disaster’s “To the Ground” to Disciple’s “Shot Heard ‘Round the World.” I would say that this makes sense, since two of Classic Disaster’s members trained under Disciple’s Andrew Stanton, but Stanton didn’t work on “Shot Heard ‘Round the World.”

Fascinating. Apparently Disciple has had a fairly consistent sound over the years. Perhaps that’s why Stanton was a good fit for the band when he joined (logic speaks, ha ha). At any rate, you can definitely hear the Disciple influence in Classic Disaster’s song (I’m a Disciple fan, so that’s a good thing).

It is apparent in “To the Ground” that the speaker has been being harassed and threatened by an opponent for a while, and he has had enough. He’s not going to back down – he will stand, and he will fight.


Period. End of story. He is not afraid; he is fully confident that if his opponent insists on a fight, then his opponent is going down, literally, to the ground. The martial arts influence is evident and helps you visualize the scene.

Life Application

Throughout life, we face many enemies:

  • Temptation

  • Fear

  • Doubt

  • Sickness

  • Lack

  • Opposition (typically verbally, but occasionally physically)

  • And many others

It is critical both to seek God’s direction to avoid as many traps as possible and to trust Him for the victory when attacks are unavoidable. Throughout His Word, God has promised us victory over our enemies (both spiritual and physical) when we trust and obey Him.

Since the song is called “To the Ground,” I made a list of references for several of those promises that specify trampling enemies underfoot (though just to clarify, we are talking figuratively here – I’m of course not encouraging anyone to instigate violence!):

  • Psalm 44:5

  • Psalm 60:12

  • Psalm 91:13

  • Malachi 4:3

  • Luke 10:19

  • Romans 16:20 (the word “shortly” in this verse means “quickly, speedily”)

Ephesians 1:22 tells us that God put all things under Jesus’ feet. Since we are His body (1 Corinthians 12:27), through Him, all things are under our feet as well.

In Genesis 3:15 (New International Version), God promised that Eve’s seed (Jesus) would crush the serpent’s (satan’s) head. This promise was fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross and rose again:

[Jesus] disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. (Colossians 2:15, NLT)

As one preacher has said, Jesus didn’t need victory over the devil for His Own sake – He is God! He conquered the devil for our sake – to save and deliver us from all of the devil’s attacks.

Through Jesus, the devil is under our feet – Jesus took him “To the Ground”!

As we progress towards the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, let’s remember to thank Jesus for the victory He fought and won for us, and let us walk that victory out.



If you listen to “To the Ground” on my station between 5 and 6pm (Central Standard Time) from now until April 8, let me know what you think of it!

And if you are here because you heard about Rocking for Jesus Radio through Classic Disaster, welcome! I’m really glad you are here, and I’d love to hear from you as well.

Closing Note

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Signing off until next week –

Rocking for Jesus with you!

Amanda Renée

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